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    ActiveAgeBlueprint Contact Form

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    Most Asked Questions
    Where can I get the suggested fitness tools?

    Go here for the Performance Band.

    Go here for the Dumb Bell set.

    Go here for a Slider.

    I already have a resistance band. Why can't I use it?

    The resistance band we use has the best combination of features to cover the over 80 different exercises used across all Elements. We tested several types of resistance bands and found this one had the greatest versatility (and we have no financial relationship with the company that makes or sells the product).

    How do I cancel my membership?

    Click "My Account" in the navigation menu, then click "Subscription". You'll be prompted to enter your password (this is based on best practice standards) and then at the top of the page, click "Cancel membership"

    What fitness tools do I need for the ActiveAge Blueprint?

    There are three basic tools used in all of the Elements (training routines): a slider, a set of performance bands, and a dumb bell set.

    Why are the training routines named after Elements in the periodic table?

    Usually when someone refers to elements, they mean chemical elements. Like Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen. They are the building blocks for everything in the material world. In a similar way, Elements are the building blocks for movement and excellent active aging. Each Element has a focus (strength, flexibility & balance, core endurance for example) so as you combine Elements - one day performing a Core Element and another day a Strength Element, you are building your overall abilities and improving your ActiveAge .

    If I cancel within the first 60 days, will I get my money back?

    Yes, no questions asked. No hassle. We refund your money to the credit card you used when you signed up.

    Can I get my training plan emailed to me?

    Yes. On the My Daily Training page, click, "Email routine".

    View More Questions

  • Live Chat

    Most Asked Questions
    Where can I get the suggested fitness tools?

    Go here for the Performance Band.

    Go here for the Dumb Bell set.

    Go here for a Slider.

    I already have a resistance band. Why can't I use it?

    The resistance band we use has the best combination of features to cover the over 80 different exercises used across all Elements. We tested several types of resistance bands and found this one had the greatest versatility (and we have no financial relationship with the company that makes or sells the product).

    How do I cancel my membership?

    Click "My Account" in the navigation menu, then click "Subscription". You'll be prompted to enter your password (this is based on best practice standards) and then at the top of the page, click "Cancel membership"

    What fitness tools do I need for the ActiveAge Blueprint?

    There are three basic tools used in all of the Elements (training routines): a slider, a set of performance bands, and a dumb bell set.

    Why are the training routines named after Elements in the periodic table?

    Usually when someone refers to elements, they mean chemical elements. Like Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen. They are the building blocks for everything in the material world. In a similar way, Elements are the building blocks for movement and excellent active aging. Each Element has a focus (strength, flexibility & balance, core endurance for example) so as you combine Elements - one day performing a Core Element and another day a Strength Element, you are building your overall abilities and improving your ActiveAge .

    If I cancel within the first 60 days, will I get my money back?

    Yes, no questions asked. No hassle. We refund your money to the credit card you used when you signed up.

    Can I get my training plan emailed to me?

    Yes. On the My Daily Training page, click, "Email routine".

    View More Questions
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    You can customize the header by uploading two separate files.

    The background image and goes from the left side to the right side or the screen.

    The header image should contain your companies logo and anything else you wish to put on it. It will lay on top of the background image.

    The header image should be 1138 pixels wide and the same height as the background.
    Anything smaller than 1138 pixels will work as well (It centered across the top.)

    Below is an example of what your background image could look like:

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  • Edit Knowledge Base Articles

    Article Name Assigned Category Priority URL Hits T
    Where can I get the suggested fitness tools?TOP FAQs View49T
    I already have a resistance band. Why can't I use it?TOP FAQs View32T
    How do I cancel my membership?TOP FAQs View26T
    What fitness tools do I need for the ActiveAge Blueprint?TOP FAQs View25T
    Why are the training routines named after Elements in the periodic table?TOP FAQs View21T
    If I cancel within the first 60 days, will I get my money back?TOP FAQs View19T
    Can I get my training plan emailed to me?TOP FAQs View19T
    Can I access the website on my smartphone or tablet device?TOP FAQs View14T
    I lost my password. How do I get a new one?TOP FAQs View4T
    How do I reset my password?TOP FAQs View3T
    How do I change or update my credit card information?TOP FAQs View3T

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